Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Bad Chat?

Everyone has heard of the website called chatroulette and possibly has seen what it has to offer. This website offers chat with almost anyone from around the world yet it also posses as a strong showing of nudity. The creator, a 17 year old from Russia has stated that this is site is user friendly and safe. The 17 year old is well too young to run a website that is partly focused on lone men seeking a voyeuristic experience.

Users are able to hit next at any moment in time however this is after they had be shown images that they are unaware of or have never seen. This website is a strong concern for most parents around the world. Their children are able to speak with people from around the world and learn about their story however, they are also exposed to new sexual things that are not seen before by them.

The creator has believed that they have installed software to block the images of nudity, but there is no such technology as of yet. This posses as a threat to many children and raises an increasing number of concerned parents.

This website shows how internet has become a majority of our lives today. This increase in technology in the fact that webcams come in every new computer, for the most part, show that imagery can cause a major concern for children in the near future. This is a concern for regulators of this industry as it is becoming more and more difficult to detect bad websites that could be very harmful to children that are able to access these websites. The technology needs to be developed so that these things can be screened from our children in the near future.

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