Friday, March 12, 2010

Internet Hot Spot?

We remember the days that when wireless internet was inexistent. Now a day’s wireless internet is expected almost by anybody. But when will it become a worldwide phenomenon. Many campuses’s have several tons of acres full of Wi-Fi so when will it occur when towns have full Wi-Fi? A campus such as Ohio State is able to let several thousands of students use the internet free of charge on the campus. Not only does this develop the intellect of those students, it also shows how important it actually is in our lifetime now.

Yes it may occur that this treatment would be very expensive, yet it would develop the town as well as the surrounding areas. The internet posses many educational things that someone without access would not be entitled to. They are able to access the web, news and many educational features that the internet provides.

It may not seem necessary as any phone in today’s world is internet capable, but it is interesting to see what the world would be like if everyone had ample access to the internet. You are able to tell that if it was attainable that people would flock to that town just for that simple feature. Therefore, if a city was to put in city wide Wi-Fi it would possess a benefit to the town and to companies that work there thus improving that town. If any problem were to occur with illegal downloading or anything of that sort, removable of the internet for that person could be taken away as easy as it was given to them. In the end, this feature will not happen for several years to come, however it is neat to see what it could do for the city and/or world.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Bad Chat?

Everyone has heard of the website called chatroulette and possibly has seen what it has to offer. This website offers chat with almost anyone from around the world yet it also posses as a strong showing of nudity. The creator, a 17 year old from Russia has stated that this is site is user friendly and safe. The 17 year old is well too young to run a website that is partly focused on lone men seeking a voyeuristic experience.

Users are able to hit next at any moment in time however this is after they had be shown images that they are unaware of or have never seen. This website is a strong concern for most parents around the world. Their children are able to speak with people from around the world and learn about their story however, they are also exposed to new sexual things that are not seen before by them.

The creator has believed that they have installed software to block the images of nudity, but there is no such technology as of yet. This posses as a threat to many children and raises an increasing number of concerned parents.

This website shows how internet has become a majority of our lives today. This increase in technology in the fact that webcams come in every new computer, for the most part, show that imagery can cause a major concern for children in the near future. This is a concern for regulators of this industry as it is becoming more and more difficult to detect bad websites that could be very harmful to children that are able to access these websites. The technology needs to be developed so that these things can be screened from our children in the near future.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


When I think of counterfeiting I think of people trying to fake new money. However, there are many other types of counterfeiting going around town. One of these contains the business of fake computer chips, routers and computers. People have become so smart and intelligent that these things are easy to replicate and make into a black market business.

Fake gear costs the information technology industry an estimated $100 billion a year, according to the National Electronics Distributors Association. This gear that is replicated can be used for tasks as varied as automotive navigation, medicine dispensing, and intelligence gathering.

This offense is a direct correlation to the technology that has been developing in today’s world. More and more people are intelligent enough to think of ways to make money even if it is against the law. These serious offenses can be considered acts of terrorism if they are used against the military like Ehab Ali Ashoor was convicted of in January. He was convicted of purchasing and selling of Cisco parts that were intended for use by the Marine Corps.

Although it is very difficult to check the reliability of products that are in the market the government has established several different methods to test the products against the “black market.” These tests include the test with acetone to see if the chip would decay the use of the microscope to see minor details and several other different ways to see discrepancies in real and fake products.

If not taken care of this industry of counterfeiting may get out of hand fast as the technology develops. The technology has to be countered by different organizations to stop it.

Here is a link a website for more information:

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


It is easy to see how technology has become a very important aspect in our life styles more than ever. Your grandpa or grandma always talk about how they wish they had computers back in their day and so forth. We, as a young generation, will soon say the same thing when we are old. Not only is technology developing, it is developing at a record pace. Soon instead of having personal computers we will have phones that will project into a touch screen or something of that nature.

Most of the technological advances are coming from the nanotech side of things. Nanotechnology is the application of science in miniature scales. Scientists are able to create new materials at this scale and make bigger and better electronics with the help of Electrical Engineers and Chemical engineers with their expertise in electronics and materials science. These Engineers are able to create new materials through chemical and physical properties of elements. Time and resources need to be instituted in this science as it is vastly becoming an important aspect of the technology side of things.

These little fibers that are created through nanotechnology have a vast amount of uses. They could be used to make artificial skin as well as devices to detect certain things that are needed to be detected. They are very popular because just like the IPod Nano, they are very small and do not take up much space. These devices can be implemented into the human body because they are at the micron scale, or 10-6 m. This provides endless opportunities for doctors and scientists alike to put them to use. Soon in the near future, we will be the ones saying something like, “I wish we have nanochip implants back in my early days.”

Monday, January 25, 2010

Tongue Mobility

Imagine getting into a car accident and having a major spinal cord injury. This injury makes hand movements and walking inevitable including being able to use your own wheelchair. Research has produced a wheelchair that has capabilities of making it move with your tongue. This is very different than the usual wheelchair which is used by hand motion or with those with disabilities beyond that, a keypad. This lets the person be able to be able to rely on themselves and not another person for movement.

The wheelchair is programmed with a magnet placed on your tongue. This magnet acts as a “mouse” to guide your wheelchair through certain obstacles. To move forward all you have to do is move your tongue forward.

The wheelchair seems to be very user friendly as it is liked by many of the participates that have trialed it out. Researchers have designed the system to be used by several people suffering from many different disabilities. The sensor is placed at the tongue for strategic location as it is connected directly to the brain for increased mobility.

This wheelchair shows improvements in today’s technology and skills that have been developed. One day in the near future it will be interesting to see if there is a need for wheels to push on a chair. Sooner or later the technology will be developed to the point where you wouldn’t have to extend any part of your body to move in a wheelchair and that it will be directly hooked up to your brain.

If you interested in reading about a personal account of the wheelchair mobility with the tongue, check out this link: