Tuesday, February 2, 2010


It is easy to see how technology has become a very important aspect in our life styles more than ever. Your grandpa or grandma always talk about how they wish they had computers back in their day and so forth. We, as a young generation, will soon say the same thing when we are old. Not only is technology developing, it is developing at a record pace. Soon instead of having personal computers we will have phones that will project into a touch screen or something of that nature.

Most of the technological advances are coming from the nanotech side of things. Nanotechnology is the application of science in miniature scales. Scientists are able to create new materials at this scale and make bigger and better electronics with the help of Electrical Engineers and Chemical engineers with their expertise in electronics and materials science. These Engineers are able to create new materials through chemical and physical properties of elements. Time and resources need to be instituted in this science as it is vastly becoming an important aspect of the technology side of things.

These little fibers that are created through nanotechnology have a vast amount of uses. They could be used to make artificial skin as well as devices to detect certain things that are needed to be detected. They are very popular because just like the IPod Nano, they are very small and do not take up much space. These devices can be implemented into the human body because they are at the micron scale, or 10-6 m. This provides endless opportunities for doctors and scientists alike to put them to use. Soon in the near future, we will be the ones saying something like, “I wish we have nanochip implants back in my early days.”